How to fashion up your baby for winter?

Winter is here! (No points for figuring out the Game Of Thrones reference)
Winter reminds us a lot about Christmas and cold. Christmas is all fun and frolic only if you have the appropriate clothes to handle the cold. For the new parents out there, it is double the work. We heard your questions!
How many layers should I put on my baby?
How to check if my baby is not overheating with the layers?
What is the essential winter wear for babies?
Worry not! We have got you covered.
If you are a new parent who is wondering how to layer up your baby to protect from the cold, here is the answer.
The key to fight cold is by layering your child. It is advised that you layer because you can swiftly add or remove layers based on the temperature. Let’s say you are in a car or room with a heater; then you can remove one layer or two. If you are going out to a park, you can add one more layer to keep your baby warm. Most importantly, it is advised that you stay indoors unless it is requisite because you don’t want your child to get a cold.
The universal guide is to put as many layers as you are wearing and plus one layer for the baby. If you have three layers on your body, then put on three layers for your baby and add one more layer. The last layer could be a scarf or overcoat or hoodie.
You can follow the below steps if you are confused.
- Layer one can be a bodysuit with footies and full sleeves.
- For the second layer, you can swaddle or go for a pair of pants and a t-shirt
- Finally, you can cover your baby with a beanie, pair of mittens and boots.
When you are going out, please do ensure that you use a beanie and cover your baby’s ears too.
Coming to the latest fashion trends in baby winter clothing, organic clothing that’s desired among parents. Organic clothes have a myriad of benefits, especially for children. They are comfortable and soft on tender skin. As organic clothes have no chemicals in them, it is the best of babies. Apart from comfort, they look chic and cozy – a perfect look for babies in the winter.
Winter clothing is not as difficult as people make it sound. Today, there are online stores that cater to your requirements precisely. For example, Tiny Twig has a section just for winter. You can find all sorts of winter essentials there. You don’t want to lose out on fashion by layering. They have the latest trends and design without compromising on comfort.
This blog would have given you a general idea of how to layer. However, it would be better if you customized the clothing according to the severity of the cold where you live. Nothing will be as helpful as talking to a parent in your neighborhood.
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