Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that causes a burning, stinging, itchy rash on the skin of your feet. You can also experience splitting or whitening skin between your toes. Your skin can become scaly or develop blisters, but you can find help at a foot and ankle institute. Here are reasons why you shouldn’t ignore athlete’s foot:

Spreads Easily

Athlete’s foot is contagious, meaning it can spread to other parts of your body or to other people. If left untreated, the fungi can infect your ingrown toenail surgery and cause severe problems. Athlete’s foot can start from your toes and progress to the tops, sides, and soles of your feet. The infection could also spread to your hands and groin.

This ailment can infect others since it spreads through skin-to-skin contact. Athlete’s foot can also spread through contact with an infected surface or by sharing towels, shoes, and socks. Seeking treatment can reduce the risk of spreading the disease to others within your social circles. Avoid using the same towel for your healthy and infected foot to manage the spread.

Leads to Complications

Ignoring athlete’s foot can lead to other complications, such as sepsis, bacterial infections, and cellulitis. Symptoms of bacterial infections can include redness, pus, and swelling. These complications can affect walking and exercising since they make your feet uncomfortable.

Patients with a weakened immune system from conditions like HIV and diabetes can experience life-threatening complications from athlete’s foot. If you have tissue damage or wounds on your feet, athlete’s foot can worsen the situation. Ignoring athlete’s foot and wearing closed-toe and tight shoes can exacerbate the fungal growth and unpleasant odors. 

Gets Painful

Fungi damage your skin’s outer layers, leading to irritation and injury. Sometimes, your feet can sweat, creating a moist environment for fungal growth, which causes further infection and pain. Some people can develop an allergic reaction to the fungi that cause athlete’s foot, contributing to swelling and redness.

When the infection spreads to the soles of your feet, you can feel a burning or stinging sensation. The affected area can also feel itchy, especially between your toes, and scratching it can cause pain and more cracking. Small fluid-filled blisters from bacterial growth can lead to inflammation and discomfort. If you experience pain from athlete’s foot, see a podiatrist at a foot and ankle institute for treatment.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A podiatrist can diagnose athlete’s foot by scraping the infected tissue and testing it. The medical professional can also look for skin changes, like scaling, flaking, and redness. A podiatrist examines your feet for additional symptoms, such as cracking.

A doctor can recommend the following treatments after diagnosis:

·   Topical creams: Anti-fungal creams are a common treatment for athlete’s foot. Your doctor can prescribe creams that contain clotrimazole, miconazole, and terbinafine to manage the infection.

·   Oral medication: A podiatrist can prescribe oral pills to fight fungal infection in your feet and other parts of your body.

·   Anti-fungal nail polish: This nail polish works by penetrating the nail to reach the infected area. A podiatrist can recommend the right dosage and usage to help treat athlete’s foot.

During treatment, take preventative measures such as keeping your feet dry and clean to control fungi spread. Wear water shoes in public spaces like locker rooms to avoid spreading the infection to others.

Get Treatment at a Foot and Ankle Institute

Athlete’s foot is an unpleasant condition that can make you feel self-conscious due to the bad smell it creates. The fungi can spread to other parts of your body and contribute to other severe health issues. If you suspect you have athlete’s foot, see a podiatrist for immediate diagnosis and treatment.