Botox: Alternative Non-Surgical Wide Jaw Treatment


Are you unhappy about your wide jaw but afraid of a surgical procedure to correct it? Lucky for you, there is a non-invasive procedure that can help you achieve a slimmer, more defined jawline. It is called jaw contouring or a non-surgical reduction of the masseter muscle. This wide jaw treatment involves using Botox (Botulinum toxin).

What are the common reasons for a wide jaw?

If your wide jaw is not genetic or caused by a hormonal disorder, ‘Acromegaly’, it is probably due to Bruxism or teeth grinding. Excessive clenching of teeth results in the bulging and hardness of the masseter muscle. This muscle plays a vital role when chewing food but tends to increase its size due to a number of things. An overdeveloped masseter muscle makes your face look squarer, broader, and more masculine. 

How does Botox reduce a wide jaw?

The goal of this alternative procedure is to create a dramatic alteration in the jaw’s shape. It aims to give you a softer V-shaped face without undergoing a knife procedure. The Botox injections will weaken the corner section of your masseter muscle, causing it to significantly shrink and narrow down the lower part of your face. This eventually highlights the cheeks and contours the overall facial appearance. 

Is Botox safe?

Botulinum toxin or Botox is a protein from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When used for aesthetic treatments, it can temporarily block the nerve impulses of injected muscles. This leads to reduced muscle activities that cause wrinkles, lines, and teeth grinding. It is considered safe to use since the FDA approval in 2002. Botox injection to treat wide jaw issues is pain-free, quick, and effective.

How many treatments are needed to reduce the jaw?

Every case is different. This is why the outcomes of the Botox procedure may vary from one patient to another. However, the results will be more visible and long-lasting on the course of regular treatments. The exact numbers of Botox units that need to be injected depend on various factors like the prominence of the masseter muscle. On average, treatment would take 60 to 100 units or about 25 units per session. 

Are you a good candidate?

A very prominent and rock-hard masseter muscle makes you qualified for a Botox procedure. Your doctor or cosmetic specialist will also study your facial anatomy to determine the underlying cause of your wide jaw. It is essential to rule out the other causes and know the real reason to develop the right treatment plan. A nonsurgical procedure is only used when the reason for a wide jaw is an enlarged masseter muscle.

How does the Botox procedure go?

Before the treatment

  • To ensure that you are suitable for the Botox treatment, the doctor will review your medical history.
  • Your jaw muscle will be examined thoroughly to check the possible sites for injections, taking note of the size, strength, and position of the masseter muscles.
  • The doctor will explain the treatment procedure, post-care, possible complications, and what to avoid prior to the Botox injection.

During the treatment

  • Depending on the treatment plan, the injections will be administered on a single point on either side of the jaw or multiple points on both sides. 
  • Normally, local or topical anaesthesia will be applied to prevent discomfort or pain. However, it is optional.

After the treatment

  • The doctor will give you specific care instructions like not rubbing or massaging the area that has been injected four hours after the treatment.
  • The number of sessions may vary from 1 to 2 sessions or 3 to 4 sessions depending on the severity of the condition.

How long is the recovery period?

Initially, there will be minimal swelling or bruising at the injection sites. You may also feel slight discomfort when chewing your food. These are common post-procedure effects that typically last less than a week. Also, expect that during the first 2-3 weeks, there will be no visible results. You need to understand that it takes some time for the effects of Botox to be visible. There will be a more noticeable shrinkage or atrophy between 3-8 weeks. 

How long does the result of Botox last?

The results of Botox injection can last from 6 to 12 months. Your doctor will recommend a touch-up procedure to sustain the results. With repeated treatments, some patients experience loss of the bulging masseter muscles and enjoy a trimmer jaw.

How much does it cost?

The cost of Botox treatment depends upon the location and prominence of the clinic. Typically, it would range from £350 to £800. 

To ensure successful and safe treatment, make sure to find a well-experienced and trusted practitioner or doctor to do the wide reduction job for you. It is vital to have a professional who can help you manage possible side effects when they occur.

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